about me

A never ending growth in photography, starting from film and soon embracing the digital world. 

Maurizio Costa

Based in Milan, Italy. Mainly specialized in 360 productions and Time Lapse recording. Portfolio grows with new clients and their specific requests: unusual locations shootings, time scheduling, speed, combination of techniques.

As soon as I finished my college studies in Photography I started to enhance my skills year over year, applying in many courses on 3D modelling and Animatio, Multimedia Productions, coding, Video Editing.

I work most of the time in the first Photography school in Italy: IED Istituto Europeo dei Design, as Senior LAB Technician. I run the Photo Studio of IED's Milan site. A 500 square meters space that can host up to 14 operating sets. 

Multimedia Solutions Logo
Maurizio Costa


360 photo and video

Discover high quality panoramic pictures and videos. 


Medium to long term recording for real estate, industrial, factory setup and more


Easy and engaging holographic pictures of real life


Professional Still Life, Interior and Portrait photography 


Time freeze made easy and fast, thanks to custom hardware


Multicamera scan, Photogrammetry, Retopology


get in touch

VR headset